Mint 360

Your Learning Impact Lifecycle

What is Mint360 I hear you ask? Well, it’s our partnership programme that has us working with your team to review, validate, and document your learning needs while uncovering the impact metrics to measure a project's success from the outset.

After analysing, designing, building and launching your learning content, our partnership extends to actively tracking and evaluating the real-world impact on your business. This approach guarantees that every subsequent learning intervention is informed by the insights gained from its predecessors, continuously enhancing the quality of the impact with every project. 

Join global businesses tapping into L&D’s best kept secret…

Man and two women smiling and looking at iPad in an office.

We go beyond just a basic eLearning build

Investing our time and expertise to truly understand the challenges and desired outcomes before starting any development. We conduct in-depth research with your team and SMEs, as well as hunt down metrics and measurables that can be used to demonstrate the impact the learning needs to have on your people and your business.

By taking the time to analyse things upfront, we can help confirm your assertions about what training is required, refining and pinpointing the scope along the way. Then, once the project is complete and delivered, we will work with you to review those metrics to measure the impact, rolling any learnings into the next engagement.

Broken into three distinct phases, our Mint360 offering provides you with the transparency and accountability that strategic learning requires. Each phase is scoped, coordinated, and managed by our team to ensure timelines are met and all deliverables are achieved (or exceeded). To ensure we can keep our side of the bargain, we require a similar level of commitment and access to stakeholders on your side to ensure the project runs smoothly and is a success.

  • Analyse

    Inputs: Share with us a high-level brief of the business change you are looking to deliver, along with any existing material associated with the subject.

    Steps: Workshop with your team, stakeholders, and learners to discuss and understand and document the complete picture (past, present, and future).

    Outputs: Detailed training needs analysis (TNA) document including learning objectives and a menu of options on how you could tackle this learning challenge. Documented and agreed-upon set of metrics to track during the impact phase.

  • Build

    Inputs: TNA + source material + introductions to SMEs and stakeholders.

    Steps: We start with two parallel phases of prototyping and story-boarding to ensure both the visuals and the content are hitting the mark. Then we proceed through an Alpha, Beta, and Gold build cycle with structured review cycles at each stage.

    Outputs: Fully tested content in formats of your choice (e.g. eLearning course, PDF, video), along with any/all source files, leaving you in total control of any future changes or tweaks you may need.

  • Impact

    Input: We will need access to stakeholders who can provide us with the data and feedback to perform the impact assessment.

    Steps: Quantitative: Comparing before and after metrics to see if the training delivered on expectations. Qualitative: Conducting interviews with both learners and stakeholders to capture more detailed insights into how the training was received and any unexpected by-products or learnings for next time.

    Outputs: We will produce a structured report including a detailed breakdown of how the training has impacted the metrics identified in the ‘Analyse’ phase.

Features and benefits

✔️Expert third-party assessment of your TNA to support your investment in learning.                                                                  
✔️Accessibility baked into the design approach.                                                                                                                            ✔️Backed by the CARES framework and supported directly by best-selling author Treion Muller (The Rise of the Mutant Learner)                                     
✔️Deep-dive into metrics and measurables to review your return on investment.                                                  
✔️Design and deliver exactly the training your business needs. No more, no less.
✔️Commitment to review the impact of training and, if required, make changes based on that assessment.
✔️Potential to enter awards based on the success of the project(s).
  • Are you struggling to (or know you need to!) demonstrate the ROI of your learning?

  • Would you like an expert’s support when scoping out your next project to ensure it hits the mark?

  • Are you responsible for delivering a project that simply can’t afford to fail?

  • Do you think you have an award-winning project that could get you and your team the recognition you deserve?

Is Mint360 right for you? 

Get started

If the answer to some (or all), of the above questions is YES, then get in touch today to speak directly to one of our learning architects to learn more about our approach and how we can help you build learning that truly creates an impact.

Request pricing

If you are not ready to get started yet but would like an indication of costs, send us a message below to give us some background, and we’ll get straight back to you with some pricing.